5 Essential Safety Tips While Selling Your Home

Wall of security cameras looking at two people.

1. Beware Scammers

Unfortunately, scammers target home buyers and sellers every day. Never give money to anyone claiming you owe them. Whether they are “from the IRS/government/etc.”, offer fix a problem you never knew you had, or simply want money.

All money in a real estate transaction is handled by a title company or attorney. All other means of monetary transfer in a real estate transaction are illegal. I will never ask you for money. I will never ask you to pay something for me. And I never want gift cards. If you get contacted by anyone asking for money or claiming to be from the government, please let me know and never give them anything.

2. Never Let Anyone into Your Home Without an Appointment

This is the most important tip for your personal safety. Buyers and their agents are required to make an appointment prior to seeing your home. This is for your safety; maintaining records of everyone coming and going from your home discourages theft.

When selling your home there is a chance that a curious buyer will drive by your home, see its for sale, then knock on the door to ask for a tour. Though they most likely mean well, this person is a stranger. If this ever happens ask them to contact their agent or me. I will verify their identity before showing your home to them. This requirement is no problem for a interested home buyer, a burglar on the other hand won’t want to share their personal information.

3. Lock Away Any Valuable Items and Prescription Drugs

Small valuable items that could easily “go missing” should never be left out during showings. This includes jewelry, electronics, garage door openers, keys, and prescription drugs. To keep them safe you could:

  1. Place the items in a safe

  2. Take them with you

  3. Store them in an out of the way place. (Remember, buyers will be looking inside cabinets and drawers. Always prefer a lockable storage location.)

Lastly, make sure your computer is password protected if you are not taking it with you.

4. Put Away Bills, Calendars, Mail, and All Documents with Your Information on It

Identity theft is one of the most prevalent crimes today. All it takes is one bank or credit card statement for a criminal to have enough information to steal your identity, not to mention account numbers which could be used to make online purchases.

5. Take Your Pets During Showings

Pets should never be left at home during a showing. This is safest for your pet because they cannot accidentally get let out. It is also safest for buyers who may be apprehensive of touring a home where the pet is present.


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